Laparoscopic SurgerySingle Port Laparoscopy

Taking Laparoscopic Skills to the Next Level

In this video, this surgeon create an box with balloon to make laparoscopic cystectomy easier and demonstrative. 

Recognizing the growing role of laparoscopy in modern surgery, residency programs have been rapidly incorporated it into their training schedule. Various devices ranging from simple box trainers, animal models to sophisticated virtual reality trainers are used to aid in this education of laparoscopic skills.

Virtual reality system is an advanced and effective training method for improving laparoscopic skills, however it is yet to be adopted in many places due to its cost and the advanced technology required for it. Therefore, box trainers are being used to improve laparoscopic skills.

Cost is perhaps the biggest obstacle, as expensive laparoscopic skill simulators are needed to mimic the laparoscopic environment.

Many residents from all over the world, need an equipment to train their laparoscopic skills and because of its high cost, they try to make their own home made boxes with reachable equipments to practice.

These do it yourself (DIY) trainers and tissue simulators are mostly capable of laparoscopic skills training for medical students. For instance, you can see around internet, some surgeons work with grapes as a delicate tissue and try to not explode it. In this video, this surgeon create an box with balloon to make laparoscopic cystectomy easier and demonstrative.

Here is an ingenious and admirable way of practicing Laparoscopic Cystectomy with Balloon by Dr. Daniel Bökkerink.


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